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The film follows Nicole Carrow, a young woman who is threatened by a maniac serial killer, after her boyfriend Jess, is abducted in a rest stop.
Horror Thriller
Jaimie Alexander
as Nicole Carrow
Jaimie Alexander
as Nicole Carrow
Joey Mendicino
as Jess Hilts
Joey Mendicino
as Jess Hilts
Deanna Russo
as Tracy Kress
Deanna Russo
as Tracy Kress
Diane Salinger
as The Mother
Diane Salinger
as The Mother
Curtis Taylor
as The Ranger
Curtis Taylor
as The Ranger
Joey Lawrence
as Officer Michael Deacon
Joey Lawrence
as Officer Michael Deacon
Gary Entin
as Twin #1
Gary Entin
as Twin #1
Edmund Entin
as Twin #2
Edmund Entin
as Twin #2
Jennifer Cormack
as College Student
Jennifer Cormack
as College Student
Mikey Post
as Scotty
Mikey Post
as Scotty
Michael Childers
as The Father
Michael Childers
as The Father
Nick Orefice
as The Killer
Nick Orefice
as The Killer