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Star Trek: The Next Generation is an American science fiction television series created by Gene Roddenberry as part of the Star Trek franchise. The show is set in the nearby regions of the Milky Way galaxy, approximately during the 2360s and features a new crew and a new starship Enterprise.
Sci-Fi & Fantasy Action & Adventure Drama Mystery
Patrick Stewart
as Jean-Luc Picard
Patrick Stewart
as Jean-Luc Picard
Jonathan Frakes
as William T. Riker
Jonathan Frakes
as William T. Riker
Brent Spiner
as Data
Brent Spiner
as Data
LeVar Burton
as Geordi La Forge
LeVar Burton
as Geordi La Forge
Michael Dorn
as Worf
Michael Dorn
as Worf
Marina Sirtis
as Deanna Troi
Marina Sirtis
as Deanna Troi
Gates McFadden
as Beverly Crusher
Gates McFadden
as Beverly Crusher