from 3 users
Orange Is the New Black is an American comedy-drama series created by Jenji Kohan that first aired on Netflix on July 11, 2013. The series, produced by Lionsgate Television, is based on Orange Is the New Black by Piper Kerman, a memoir about her experiences in prison. Orange Is the New Black stars Taylor Schilling as Piper Chapman, a woman imprisoned for transporting drug money. The series also stars Laura Prepon as Alex Vause, a drug dealer and Piper's ex-girlfriend; Michael J. Harney as prison counselor Sam Healy; Michelle Hurst as Miss Claudette, a fellow inmate; Kate Mulgrew as the inmate cook "Red," and Jason Biggs as Piper's fiancé, Larry Bloom.
Comedy Drama
Taylor Schilling
as Piper Chapman
Taylor Schilling
as Piper Chapman
Natasha Lyonne
as Nicky Nichols
Natasha Lyonne
as Nicky Nichols
Uzo Aduba
as Suzanne 'Crazy Eyes' Warren
Uzo Aduba
as Suzanne 'Crazy Eyes' Warren
Danielle Brooks
as Tasha 'Taystee' Jefferson
Danielle Brooks
as Tasha 'Taystee' Jefferson
Jackie Cruz
as Marisol 'Flaca' Gonzales
Jackie Cruz
as Marisol 'Flaca' Gonzales
Selenis Leyva
as Gloria Mendoza
Selenis Leyva
as Gloria Mendoza
Taryn Manning
as Tiffany 'Pennsatucky' Doggett
Taryn Manning
as Tiffany 'Pennsatucky' Doggett
Adrienne C. Moore
as Cindy Hayes
Adrienne C. Moore
as Cindy Hayes
Dascha Polanco
as Dayanara Diaz
Dascha Polanco
as Dayanara Diaz
Nick Sandow
as Joe Caputo
Nick Sandow
as Joe Caputo
Yael Stone
as Lorna Morello
Yael Stone
as Lorna Morello
Kate Mulgrew
as Galina 'Red' Reznikov
Kate Mulgrew
as Galina 'Red' Reznikov
Laura Prepon
as Alex Vause
Laura Prepon
as Alex Vause
Elizabeth Rodriguez
as Aleida Diaz
Elizabeth Rodriguez
as Aleida Diaz
Jessica Pimentel
as Maria Ruiz
Jessica Pimentel
as Maria Ruiz
Laura Gómez
as Blanca Flores
Laura Gómez
as Blanca Flores
Matt Peters
as Joel Luschek
Matt Peters
as Joel Luschek
Dale Soules
as Frieda Berlin
Dale Soules
as Frieda Berlin
Alysia Reiner
as Natalie Figueroa
Alysia Reiner
as Natalie Figueroa